Our Mission

Our Mission

Additional Services

24/7 Response

We at A.C.T. Guard understand the importance of a swift response. When your need arises, a response is minutes away. We are ready to receive your instructions and dispatch a security officer to your location within minutes.

Retail Alarm Response

Several retail locations utilize this service to ensure that they have a reliable security company able to respond to any alarm, at any of their locations, 24/7. The responding officer will approach with caution, examine the perimeter, check all doors and windows, and ensure there has been no tampering or vandalism. Some clients grant us access to their locations so that we may enter the premises and do an interior check as well. We are able to inspect and ensure that there has been no tampering with site and the customer assets. Once the site has been secured, we reset the alarm and arm the location.

ATM Response

Another example of response is an ATM Response, when an ATM machine has a technical problem, the company dispatches a technician to service it. This is an urgent need as these machines need to be operable 24/7. The technician will need an armed security officer to stand by his side, given that he would have to open the machine and be exposed to public space with access to large quantities of cash. Within 60 minutes, an armed A.C.T. Guard officer will be wherever the technician is and be able to secure a soft perimeter for the technician to work. This process is handled delicately with highly experienced individuals.

Property Patrol Checks

Many times a business complex or an apartment complex don't need a dedicated, standing guard on a regular basis. They may have temporary problems that need service on short notice, for a short period of time. A.C.T. Guard will provide patrol hits where a site is visited a certain number of times a night, at random times and days. The random element keeps those that want to cause harm guessing. Once on site, the patrolling officer would inspect the full perimeter, do some minor checks and investigate any sensitive areas. Private residences, shopping centers, mall parking lots, business complexes are all examples of industries that utilize this service.

Our 24/7 command center guides the officer and remains on standby in case law enforcement, or the client needs to be contacted in case of an emergency. A short report is generated and emailed to the customer as reference. We operate an efficient team 24/7, that is ready to assist and respond to your needs. Call us now for a custom solution that fits you.

Roving Patrol

Add value to your gated community, neighborhood, yard or business complex by choosing our effective roving patrol services. The residents/tenants/customers in your community value their privacy, protection, and security.

Our fleets range from ex-police marked Crown Victoria's, to golf carts, mini-trucks and segways. You will be amazed how quickly those nuisance problems are taken care of.

Issues we have seen progress with are:

    Gate control

    Oversize and unauthorized dumping

    Noise complaints

    Deterrence of vagrants, thieves, homeless wanderers and loiterers

    Parking problems and visitor parking space availability

    Enforcement of curfew for specific onsite facilities and amenities

    Graffiti problems onsite or exterior perimeter

    Towing and Authorized parked vehicle inventory reports

    Strong deterrence and presence of security onsite

All services utilize:

    GPS / Detex / RFID for Remote Patrol Tracking

    Paperless digital reports processed via iPad showing pictures and geo-stamps

    24 Hour Live Communication / Instant Response

VIP / Executive Protection

A.C.T. Guards have experience in providing personal protection services as well as security for high end locations. Our client list includes corporate executives, entertainment/media celebrities, professional athletes and a host of high-level details. Our team approach to individual security includes a comprehensive risk assessment that entails understanding the level and look needed, then tailoring service and personnel for that exact fit.

"Suits" are another tier provided for high end events, which often requires an extensive security background that can remain professional in the most difficult situations, but has a sense of dealing with a VIP. This tier involves the security background and integrates hospitality, customer service and a delicate touch when dealing with those that need the extra attention.

Unlike a typical security guard which is rough look that implements strict protocol; this tier is able to make decisions on the fly, within authority limitations dictated by the client. They are able to resolve issues as needed and escalate when required. Usually the team will be involved in per-deployment meetings to determine the exact scope of services needed.

Special Events

A.C.T. Guard understands the importance of providing events with professional security services that are both comprehensive, yet transparent. Whether they are sporting or entertainment events, trade shows, expositions or other large scale events; we understand that clients demand thorough planning, vigilance and professionalism for their events.

Hosting a black-tie or formal affair? Does your guest list include high-profile professionals that require delicate yet firm inter cation? A.C.T. Guard provides professional security services for groups hosting upscale private events. During the course of your event, our officers will be dressed professionally to match the level and image that you portray. Our agents are trained in preventing loss or damage of personal property, and will control access to your venue. Our goal is to look good, protect your venue and become an effective yet transparent team player.

 Pre-Event Planning

A.C.T. Guard can be a valuable asset in the planing phase. We utilize our years of experience with securing events, placement of guards, justifying positions and creating accurate budgets. We take what we learn from all different venues, customers, clients and how they design security and then if possible improvise on that or learn from it.

We provide a full risk assessment for a site, hotel, or conference center that requires any security team during an event. This involves a full assessment of security vulnerabilities, plotting floor plans with security guard locations, creating a budget... etc. This is all designed and implemented in accordance to client guidelines and approval. This provides a unified team effort, utilizing A.C.T. Guard event experience and insight. We have an intelligent team that has great experience with events that add and collaborate with your team. Hence a more effective security plan.

The Mission

     Our mission is to turn every willing citizen into their own personal protection, their own personal weapon.

We DO NOT teach basic tactics here at A.C.T. Guard, simply because we have no true idea what basic tactics are. If the tactic ISN'T combatantly defensive, then why learn or teach it.

We ONLY teach combatant moves that are drastically effective. All designed to defend your person with maximum effect & intention. Created for the worst of situations and elevated through the minor of incidents.

We teach our A.C.T. Guard to not only defend themselves against a bigger, meaner & stronger opponent of a solo attacker or multiple.

We here at A.C.T. believe that the most important thought for a person to remember when considering self protection is, how important is your life? Is it more important to you than the personal safety of your attacker or attackers. Elevate your self necessity of own personal self worth and safety.

Life is only as important as you choice to make it. Freedom is free until someone tries to take that freedom from you. That day, will you lay down..or will you stand up & fight.? We give you the skills to no longer fear the unexpected, by making it expected at all times.

Once fully trained as an A.C.T. Member, you shall be elevated to the status of "Active A.C.T. Guard Agent". This will connect you forever to the circuit of trained citizens united in a goal of self protection and well being.

It's time to stop living in fear.

Have A Question? Send Us A Message
The Mission

If you are attacked by one lone attacker with a non shooting weapon, such as: Knives, Bats, Pipes, ETC.

Hand to hand combat skills are nice and very effective, but are you sure they are for you & that they are your 1st and only move.

This takes a lot to pull off & it is the simplest of moves next to a kick or running. And yet it takes one very important thing to pull off. A lack of distance.

Are you sure you want to get this close to your attacker? Are you really that confident in your skills & are you that careless with your own life?


If you are attacker by one lone attacker with a non shooting weapon, such as: Knives, bats, pipes, ETC.

Like we said, hand to hand combat skill are nice, but distance is better and much more safe for your personal being. Well as options go.

Like the old saying goes, "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight..or anything other than a gun, to a gun fight.. or you'll literally be on the wrong end of a bullet of any caliber.

And if they choose not to comply, we teach/train you to put your attacker down. This is the only way to insure the best odds of your own personal safety. If you want to worry about your attacker, then perhaps you should invest in criminal counseling instead of self protection from said criminals.

Life is about choices, our A.C.T. Guard Agents choose self over said criminals. They either get down or we


Law Enforcement officers serve in order to protect, therefore swearing to Protect & Serve all citizens within their jurisdiction. We at A.C.T. Guard are not agents of protection such as law enforcement officers are. If we choose to dedicate out skills and lives to protecting others, then that is a personal choice by said A.C.T.Guard Agent. The only true requirement of any A.C.T. Guard Agent is that they protect themselves over ANY situation. By doing this, it enables the Agent to make up their own mind as to whether someone or something else is more of worth to said Agent, than their own personal life.

Start you training today. Get ARMED, GET TRAINED, FEEL SAFER!